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Assessment for learning will occur in this lesson when the teacher does daily check-ins with each group in the class and a class discussion that would take place on day eight where students debrief on what they have learned from this challenge. The teacher will consider the following questions when checking in with groups: 

  • Day One: Did students understand the challenge?, where are students having trouble with SketchUp? and are students on task?

  • Day Two: Did students understand the rubric?, are students using reliable sources while researching?, and are students working effectively on SketchUp?

  • Day Three: How well did students provide feedback to other groups? and did they consider the feedback they received from their peers for their project?

  • Day Four & Five: Are students constructing their space on SketchUp? and are students working on the math concept?

  • Day Six & Seven: Are they working on their science concepts?, are they putting together their work for the gallery walk? and how close are students to being done their projects?

  • Day Eight: Are students providing constructive feedback to other groups?, how well did students learn the project (i.e. conduct class discussion), and are students submitting their work?

Assessment as learning will occur in this lesson when students give peer feedback to other groups on day three for the show n’ tell and on day eight during the gallery walk. Through peer feedback, students will reflect on their work and understand alternative ways of how they can approach the problem or further improve their solution. As a result, this encourages a growth mindset to occur. When students are providing feedback to one another, they will consider the following questions in the format of TAG:

  • Tell something you liked

  • Ask a thoughtful question

  • Give a positive suggestion

Assessment of learning will be integrated into this lesson through a rubric: 

  • A rubric develops an understanding between the students and teacher regarding the expectations of the assignment and becomes clear as to how the assessment will be done.

  • It allows for student work to not be compared with other students’ work and rather to be standard from the criteria listed on the rubric.

  • Furthermore, it increases teacher consistency when grading because there are set expectations that can be focused on when assessing.

(Kilborn, 2021)

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