Author: Karen Uppal
Instructor: Dr. P. Knowlton Cockett
This is an example solution to the SketchUp challenge that addresses accessibility for wheelchair users and includes inclusive design. As shown above, this accessible space is a café that is built within a shipping container. Recently, shipping containers have been utilized as either single or multiple units to create micro homes and other spaces such as offices, mini-restaurants, classrooms, workshops (Design Buildings, 2021).
Due to the fact that the SketchUp software is a new online programming environment for students, the goal is for students to create a small scale space as they learn the features integrated into SketchUp for both introduction and time constraint purposes. Hence, the exemplar provided is a café that is small in scale however, it is still wheelchair accessible. For more information on how this café is accessible, stated in the art concept and how it connects to the other concepts, check out the buttons below.